Join us on January 6 to Welcome the Light of 2012
As a gift to all who are interested in the wisdom of the spirit guides, Circles within Circles invites you to attend a free evening in the circle in Victoria, BC on Friday, January 6th 2012. Spiritual intuitive Jane Kennard will invite the spirit guides to speak through her and welcome the light of 2012. There will also be opportunities for questions from the audience. This free event will be held at the Church of Truth, 111 Superior Street in James Bay, at 7:30 pm.
You must preregister for the evening, as seating is limited and tickets will be reserved on a first-come-first-serve basis. If you are interested in attending please send an email to with names of all guests.
We will send a confirmation email, which will be your ticket for the evening. Those who do not have access to a computer can reserve by calling Donna at 250-386-3739.
We hope you can join us in the circle to welcome the light of 2012.