Investments that help YOU to grow
What is the treatment for me? EMDR? Hypnosis? APD fits me to a tee! How do I get my cats to start eating DM again? I asked those I trusted about investing, but I didn’t get the answers I needed. Thank you.
Spirit Guide responds. Listen here: Message for Timia
Dearest. I know that you worry and you think so much that often time you are just exhausted in your very own thoughts. You flit about your place, your home, and you find it difficult to settle sometimes. There is an angst that lies deep within you that you think your choices are never right, that you will make some terrible mistake and ruin all….
I want you to start practicing deep breathing, relaxation. Knowing of your true self is very important for you. You could try all sorts of different forms of therapy, but until you experience them how would you know which one is right for you? And I don’t mean just one try, but different opportunities of these therapies.
You already know that you’ve had a traumatic time in your life, and there is much from that that still weighs heavy upon you. If you wish to not delve into that there are other therapies as well. But perhaps if you take time with someone you feel very secure with, either through one of these therapies or with another being of great support and help. And slowly and quietly begin to remember all parts that make you. It will help. Not to be controlled by that that was but to be who you are now: an amazing being. One who has come through many things. One who sometimes is her worst enemy, by simply your thoughts of who you are not being right. But to think clearly and wholly and lovingly of oneself is very important for you my dear one.
As to your dear little animals, well my dearest one, they are very stubborn and it’s not wise to hold food away from them. Feed them what they will eat and so be it. Don’t worry so much. You worry far more than you should. They are controlling you this way. Trust that they will stop eating long enough to make themselves ill. So give them what you know they will eat—and allow yourself some peace of mind.
As to investing my blessed one, there is so much in your world right now that is for and against these things, that you must talk to somebody that you haven’t yet talked to that is very sure. There is a being that helps you with this that you are not speaking to, that you feel treats you too much like a child. So perhaps just put this thought away for a while and have a good honest talk with this one. It will help you.
Bless you my child. You are in a time of open love. And it is time to think about others and not so much about yourself. See your world through your loving eyes, all of it—the good, the bad, and the wonderful. And to put your trust and hope and faith into those that you believe are doing the best they can. These are the investments that will help you to grow. Bless you my child.