In a time beyond words

Jennifer writes:

Dear Guides,

Thank you for your heartfelt wisdom in the past, I found your words extremely helpful! I have some questions that I would like to ask. My Dad was recently in critical condition and I went to see him. It seemed like he was trying to say something to me but he couldn’t speak. I felt into it and I was having trouble discerning what he was trying to say. Do you know what he was trying to say? I also wanted to know did I have a healing effect?


The guide’s response:

Dearest one, dearest one, you have many things at hand right now.  They show up around your being in order to allow your being to open. That’s what occurred with your father.  It’s as if time stopped for a moment–where you were both beyond time and words, together, in a perfect state.  And for you for a moment, to be held still.  It was not necessary to have words; it was necessary to commune.  And it was love without all of its complications.

I know now things are different.  Take that that you had with such inability to speak words, either you or he, and let it be love.  Too often it occurs in a time of unpreparedness, such clarity that does not belong in the time or the event.  It has the greatest purpose–to heal.

You are living in your being and he living in his.  The promises are not yet complete.  That is why you are drawn back to this occasion.  That is why you held back the tension in your abdomen.  An opening has occurred, an opening that you are afraid to step into with love.  It is important to be willing to open your heart.  I cannot do this for you blessed one but I can tell you to love yourself enough.  Give yourself the healing time and speak of your deep need to love with someone with whom you feel completely confident that they will not judge you or analyze you or have some words to control what it is you feel.   The feelings might feel not right in your conscious mind–but they need to be spoken and they need to be manifested into words with someone who will not judge, but will allow you to hear the words that come from you.   Bless you.

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