
I learn so much from being with others

Summer is upon us in Victoria. I love to sit and have my coffee in the garden in the early morning (usually still in my nightgown). It is so still yet so alive. The humming birds and bees buzzing about the flowers and pond. I feel so blessed, and yes even the traffic noises are welcome after a comment from Kirsten the other day. I was complaining about the traffic noise and she said to me that she actually doesn’t mind it because it reminds her there are other people out there having lives too. Thanks Kirsten. I learn so much from being with others.


I have been thinking about trying to find a way for us to gather together once a month. Something casual and personal, a learning and gathering time for all of us.


I would love to hear your feelings or views on this idea, or on anything else. Please share your thoughts with me in the Comments section below or by email.




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  1. Sara June 30, 2015 at 7:06 am - Reply

    Dear Jane, the work you are doing is very helpful. Your public get-togethers are so interesting. I feel like I learn so much from what the Guides say to each person. It is as if what is said to one of us, benefits the group, what is said applies to each of us in our own way. You are so generous in sharing your spirit with others. I look forward to attending each of your fall gatherings in Victoria.


  2. Jane July 2, 2015 at 3:51 pm - Reply

    Thank you Sara I am looking forward to meeting you too. Love Jane

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