Fill your being with love–the love you needed but never got
An exchange from one of our evenings with Jane and the spirit guides
I’ve noticed a lot of volatility and anger in my family with two teenaged daughters, and I’m wondering if there’s anything you can tell me about this.
You, blessed one, have been seeking to find peace your whole life. You have been looking for approval, wanting others to approve of you for a very long time. And this has caused you to try perhaps to reach beyond the norm, and has caused your physical body some difficulties. Your body is in great pain. I say to you, blessed one, be the mother you need to be for yourself. Nurture you. Do not extend yourself beyond, to where you are so tired you cannot even cope. Well, you are not coping.
Be still. Be calm. Fill your body and being with love–the love you never got, but you needed. You are not alone, blessed one. There are many around you that want to help you. If you nurture your being and see to healing you, you will be quite amazed at how your family will become quite clear to you. Each owning that that they need to do, not being judged, no fighting, just being. If I had a body, blessed one, I would hold you tight. I would rock you to heal you. Don’t move quickly through this time. Let it be. Bless you.