Concern about a grandson’s travels

Anonymous asks about her grandson named Blaine.  He is 20 years old and very adventurous and just left to go to South America,starting in Mexico. He will come back to finish his studies. He will travel most of the time by himself. He is a very deep thinker and mature for his age but I am concerned for his safety.
And is that not the natural state of being a grandparent?  It is parenting with the big picture.  Of course, because you have walked a path and know that there are things that can befall a being.  But do not dull his shiny being.  Know that this one needs to seek out his truth.  Always be there, never judging, but always listening.  And surround him in a cushion of light and love that you have for him and trust that his wisdom will see him through.  He is a good being, trust in this.

First published on the “old blog” February 23, 2010

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