A global evolution of consciousness

Nichole says she’s growing and expanding so fast. She says, “Sometimes others around me, think I’m nuts, but I know what I know and recognize as truth. The more I honor this recognition, the more it blesses me with more truth, and creates experiences, situations and meetings that are perfect for my journey. I feel that we, as a global race of human beings, are experiencing an evolution of consciousness. Am I way off here? Should i see a psychologist or embrace it and move forward?”

Blessed one, when you chose to move forward and open the door, of course it would it all come rushing through forward like this. And it is very true. Just give yourself time. Take deep breaths. Allow the information to flow through you and resonate within you. And your truth will be very, very clear to you.

It is a time of communication with many. But there are many that will not be able to communicate in this way, nor will they desire to. So don’t forget all forms of communication are important at this time. You are not crazy. You are in fact very in tune. In fact you perhaps could help a psychiatrist if you went to help them. But for yourself—just be in that that you are. You are doing very well.

Thank you. And what about this global evolution of consciousness?

Yes, it has been spoken about to you by many. It is the overturn of souls, or the correction of an imbalance that had occurred. It takes some time. You’ve seen it in history many times and even before your time of written history. Times when things would get out of balance. And it takes some shifting–there were often wars and all sorts of things at these times—to correct, to move forward, to evolve. It is truth.

So we are in the process of doing that?


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  1. Anonymous May 2, 2009 at 10:45 am - Reply

    thank you. thank you. thank you.namaste.nichole

  2. ginger May 3, 2009 at 10:08 pm - Reply

    that guide felt familiar…i think i know them. so, hello loved one. ;)i was led here for a purpose and i thank those responsible for doing so since i have just recently asked for help, guidance and teaching for my own growth and evolution.i have so many questions, but the one that should be asked is, what do you want me to know at this point in my journey? of course, the guide(s) that answer will know what i’m referring to, but for the one that needs to read this later: i’ve made it to a point where i want to learn how to use my gifts of empathy and clairsentience positively and productively. up till now, in this life, i don’t believe i’ve utilized it in a manner that’s conducive to my personal or spiritual health…it’s time to take my next step because i have a feeling that i will be needing it soon.thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you….namaste.ginger

  3. ginger May 3, 2009 at 10:09 pm - Reply

    and to joanna and jane, blessings and love to you both for this wonderful service.xoxo

  4. Anonymous May 25, 2009 at 1:16 pm - Reply

    I feel blessed to have found this site at this time. I have too many worries swirling through my head and I can’t seem to quiet myself to listen (that and having two boys ages 2 & 4 contributes to the noise… and the abundance of love in my life). We moved a great distance last fall be closer to my mother who was going through breast cancer treatments. Like all change, there have been pluses and minuses. My husband is not happy with his position here and has found another in South Carolina.We are poised to move over the summer to what we hope will be our “home” for many years to come, yet something, to me, is not quite right. I have met souls in the new location that have been wonderful and welcoming, yet, all of the sudden, more and more loving and supportive souls have been appearing in our lives here. My husband is adamant about leaving here but no choice feels right to me.Any guidance or insight would be most welcome. Many thanks. Beth

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