A daughter asks about continuing her relationship with her Father


I was wondering if it is in my highest and greatest good that I should pursue a relationship with my Father, or not, because it seems very toxic at times.

Do you know about promises, dear?  Do you know about coming into a life with a certain task to learn from someone, or you yourself to learn by yourself?  This Father and you have lived together before (past life).  Your frustration with him is because he is acting like a child and you being the adult. That is because that is how it was before.

To pursue, you cannot but pursue it, you cannot just walk away and completely forget. This being is your Father in this lifetime and there is a part of you that is damn well determined to fix it. But, it is also up to him.  So, there is only so much you should do.  And when you are exhausted and drained and feel that you have done your best, and then walk away.

Try to always have communication. Always put the words out there. Do not ever assume that he is sensitive enough to know how you feel.  Not. Not that one.  But it is alright to love him and let him be.


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