How to help a son who is in deep pain

Christine has had falling out with her son. She says, “I suspect he is in deep pain. Can you tell me the cause of this pain? How can I best help him? Thank you.”

Blessed mother you often have a language not used in the vocabulary in this child. Know that the child is in pain and trust that he must find ways to bring it forward either by asking for help, or by healing his own pain.

This gentle heart (the son), is a creature of great love. She has always known this and in many ways has wanted to protect him from his own path, from his own world. She must just simply trust that he will find his growth. And that she is always open, to be willing to listen, not to fix or rearrange his path, but to listen. There will come a time that she must not judge, for where she should be then, or now, that she should just be–and it shall be healed.

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