Cancer as the body’s call to attention
Anonymous writes:
Recently a friend was diagnosed with cancer. This person is happy and healthy and loving life. Are the reasons or causes for cancer all individual? Or are there some shared themes such as chemicals or toxins, stress, being stuck on one’s path, cell phone signals, vibrational shifts and the body is not able to adapt? What is going on when one in three people are experiencing cancer? Thank you, thank you for your wisdom!
The guide responds:
Firstly, this one should not be angry with her being. She hasn’t done anything wrong to create this. This attention of her body, her cells that she created is drawing her attention to love one’s self, to choose for one’s own growth, to choose light and love. This, in truth, is healing for all beings. The state in which the body must find itself in often resulting to gain the attention of the conscious mind can be this form you call cancer. One must understand that this label one has given the condition of rapid growing cells in all of the different stages, is truly one’s own being, one’s own cells reacting to one’s own energy.
And as quickly as this might be growing, it can quickly disappear by her own desire to heal, to seek the understanding of her own being, to reach out to all matter and form which she will do, for balance is important for her to do. Not one thing or another, but all. For very much like her being she will leave nothing untouched and nothing to worry about. Love is important; expectations, release those. Be unconditional in her state of being and to be present in that gift of growth. It might seem difficult to understand that this is a gift, a body creating the attention needed for some growth is at hand. See this growth as a forward moving thing, not as a malignancy. She must choose for her own growth, her own health, her own being, embracing, laughter and love and looking within, asking herself: What do I have here to learn?