Be still and let your body heal

Chanti writes:

Since I got back from France I have been sick with lung and ear infections, a bladder infection and other problems that aren’t going away.  I’ve been on antibiotics but now my symptoms are getting worse.  I have body temperature and am in pain and feel so tired. Can you give me some guidance of what should I do and what is wrong? Thank you for your help.

The Guide’s response:

Dearest one, your body is most wonderful for you to dwell in, to be.  Listen to it for it calls to you the need that you must be still and you must take time now to absorb much of the learning you have done. You have created this that  has occurred.  Be not afraid of it.

You need to choose what is good for your being.  You need to follow a natural route that will heal.  There are many things in your world now to help heal you that are not chemicals and will not cause an imbalance.  But first know that the imbalance came from your busyness, your constant going, your constant leaping forward into that that is not yet present.   Be still and let your body heal itself, give it time, listen to it.  Choose natural things.  There is a very simple sugar that will help heal your body. Ask someone who speaks of the natural ways and they will help you with this.  You do not need these things that kill many of the natural parts of the healing process.  It is just an imbalance that you are sensing this great exhaustion from.

So you are saying that antibiotics are not necessary that there is a naturopathic approach that can help her, this sugar that you are talking about?

Yes.  I believe the name is D-Mannose.

I have never heard of that before. Any final words for Chanti?

To be still and to understand that you have done great work.  You know yourself, your thinking, your understanding.  Although you do like to go back to old ways you can no longer do that.  Be that radiant being you are, in the present, now–and you shall heal.


Disclaimer:  Please know that information given by the guides does not replace the care of a doctor or medical practitioner.  The guides’ words give information of a spiritual nature and it is important that anyone experiencing medical problems consult a qualified medical practitioner for advice and care.

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  1. JM November 22, 2011 at 9:35 am - Reply

    D manose is amazing! You can find it in any health food store, and it really does work for bladder infections. The bacteria in the bladder binds to this sugar and is willingly flushed out of your body. If you google it, you will find lots of information. Good luck!

  2. Linds November 22, 2011 at 10:03 am - Reply

    I am in recovery and this past year has been a struggle for me as I must come to terms with a new way of living. I am feeling so spiritually disconnected in my life, more so now than I ever have before. I feel like I’m holding myself back but I’m not sure why I can’t just surrender. Sometimes the emotional pain is so overwhelming that I just want to run away and start a new life. I don’t know where such pain is coming from.. I am usually a free spirit but I feel so trapped right now trying to do the “right” thing and please everyone else. I am trying to get back in school but now it’s a waiting game. Will it happen for me and have I chosen the right direction? Also I am seeing a man and wondering if I am heading down the right path with him? I am tired of meaningless relationships and this feels very real, but I’m not sure if the age difference is a factor. Thank you and God bless.

  3. Hélène November 22, 2011 at 4:39 pm - Reply

    I can also vouch for D-Mannose. Works really well.

  4. anonymous November 22, 2011 at 6:01 pm - Reply


    I have been called to go to live in a Eco Villager Spiritual community in Europe. I had this great desire to go and be there, and I felt I should have been there 2 years ago, however finances have got in the way. I was planning the fall of 2011, it did not happen. I am planning sometime in 2o12, before winter. Do you think you can get an inside as to what is going on.

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