An opening for speaking from your true being

Rich Loving Joy writes:

Thank you Ladies and Guides for this opportunity. Could you please provide me with guidance as to what is going on with my stomach and the bump that recently appeared. I did go to the doctor and am presently awaiting test results. While I am glad that I went, I find that medical doctors want to focus on family history – while I myself, know that the history of my siblings and other family, is THEIR history – not MINE – and I feel that my voice is not being heard. Guidance at this time is most appreciated. 

The guide’s response:

Dearest one, the history that they have with you has affected what they seek in you now.  There is a history of anxiety and over worrying, and so this is what they pay attention to.  They hear not the fear you have.  But instead of fighting them in all of this, begin to speak to them.  Tell them where your worries lie.

It is true your body is very tight with all of this stress and it is not unusual to create little bumps and lumps for points of attention when one is so very stressed.  So, do not be angry with them, talk, but make sure they hear what you speak.  As to the lump, it will go away.  But your anxiety you will carry it forward if you do not address it now.  So, use this opening to speak of other things.

You often present what you believe is a joyously happy being but others perceive your nervousness.  Put down all of who you are for them to see it.  Speak from your being, little one, and use your voice as your tool to help you and trust.

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  1. Sharon April 25, 2012 at 4:21 pm - Reply

    Hello Guides and Ladies,
    Is there a message from my Spirit Guides pertaining to my career that I’m not hearing? Is a writing career the right path for me?
    Thank you and I wish you many blessings.

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