Do We Have Anything To Fear From Artificial Intelligence?
WATCH VIDEO Sit in on this 4 minute conversation with a Spirit Guide channeled by Psychic Medium Jane Kennard. Hear the High-Dimensional Guide reply to questions about Artificial Intelligence. *Permission received to publish replies to [...]
Solar Eclipse, Stonehenge, Terra Infinita Map, Evolution & Beyond: Insights from Spirit Guides in a High-Dimensional Conversation
WATCH VIDEO Sit in on this 37 minute conversation with different Spirit Guides channeled by Psychic Medium Jane Kennard. Hear the High-Dimensional Guides reply to questions about the Solar Eclipse, Stonehenge, the Terra Infinita Map, [...]
Does the alignment of major planets mean something?
National Geographic says: Sky-watchers who set their alarm clocks early in June will be able to catch a rare lineup of all the major planets in our solar system visible to the naked eye: Mercury, [...]
Trust that their passing has enlightened the world
When you feel all is dark and hopeless in the killing of these beautiful "Beings", trust that their passing has enlightened the world. They are teaching in ways you cannot imagine. It isn't that they [...]
Realizing the Truth of You
Discovering your truth and being the light that you are. You are a fracture of this amazing energy that connects you to the oneness. Within you lies the most powerful creative force beyond the [...]
A Light Went Out
In times of great joy, there can be great sorrow. A light went out in our community. A child died in a terrible accident on a dark and rainy night. Someone asked me, "How do [...]
Time… is one of the most precious gifts
Time, whether it be for yourself or for someone else, is one of the most precious gifts. Give yourself time to enjoy, to be, or to remember. Don't over plan or simply rush from one [...]
17 Shopping Days Until Christmas
Happy, happy day off to get some gifts! I still dress up a bit when I go downtown. Nothing like I used to, high heels, not now. Comfy shoes, but still feeling rather swish. 10:30am, [...]
A prayer for these precious children
A Prayer As I light this candle today, I ask for love and healing for us all. I can hear the voices of these precious children. We have failed them. They have not failed, they [...]
International Women’s Day
It is believed that the females of most species are the life-givers, the nurturers, the healers. There is a very different energy that is possessed by women. Though unique to each, there is a strong [...]
Tossing away things like statues, monuments, books
Jane: I ask in the name of the highest, the brightest, and the purest, for healing words, for healing information for all of us in this time. Talk to you later. Guide: Hello my dears. [...]
This is it… The Overturn
Many years ago my Guide said to me that we were present in the time of The Overturn. I have to say, the word 'overturn' really meant nothing to me. It was explained to me [...]
A conversation with Spirit about the Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Medium Jane Kennard channels a high guide from Spirit for their wisdom and understanding of what the Coronavirus (COVID-19) is and why it is affecting the world in this way. Listen in to the conversation [...]
A time of light and love
I believe this virus is an instrument for our growth. We are present in a time of great learning. A time when all of us are growing and experiencing the same lesson, but each with [...]
A message from Spirit for Prime Minister Trudeau
We were talking about our Prime Minister, who is going to visit the American President tomorrow. And we were wanting to give some energy and support to make that a conversation from love. Yes, a [...]
Eve of the American Election
I know a lot of people in this world are worrying and wishing there was something that we could do in this time of fear and uncertainty. We cannot vote unless you are living in [...]
The answer is not violence but love and teaching
A guide talks about what happened in Paris and how we can move forward We were talking about what happened in Paris, and what that means for the world, and how we can cope with [...]
The true sense of your being is within you, your truth
A guide speaks about gender identity Gender change has very much been in the public eye lately. Olympic decathlete Bruce Jenner recently underwent a major transformation to become a woman and is now known as [...]
How the death of Cecil the Lion teaches and heals us
How does it make you feel, how will it affect your choices? My question is about Cecil the lion. The death of Cecil the Lion in Zimbabwe has us all speaking about trophy hunting this [...]
A conversation with Anne Frank and how we can learn from the Holocaust to stop the cycle of fear in the physical world
The anniversary of Anne Frank’s last diary entry is coming up in August. I recently read a book We All Wore Stars about memoirs of some of her classmates’ experiences in WWII. The University of [...]